About Chain Maille


Chain maille is made by linking metal rings together is various patterns. When people think of chain maille, what often comes to mind are images of mesh shirts worn in battle long ago. This is one style of maille known as European Four-In-One. But there are many more styles of maille, some which date back many hundreds of years.

 Thanks to the Internet, this obscure and ancient practice has enjoyed a great revival. Not only do chain maille artists (often called “maillers”) make work using these ancient patterns, they invent new ones as well. 

The only tools required to make maille are two pairs of jeweler’s pliers. The sheer simplicity of making maille was what first appealed to me. As time went on, the constraints of working in one narrow form challenged and inspired me. 

My work tends to be classical and traditional in nature. I work predominately in sterling silver and sterling and gold-fill combinations. Recently I’ve added rose gold, my mother’s favorite metal, to the mix. 

My goal is to harness the power of repeating patterns in my work and to celebrate and keep alive these wonderful chain patterns we’ve held onto from the distant past.

Pictured Above: Full European Four-In-One bracelet in sterling silver and gold-fill.